Ordering Robot Parts

On Tuesday we ordered the first set of parts for the robot from SparkFun Electronics, enough to get the robot moving. The only necessary component that we didn't purchase was an Arduino microcontroller, which we already have in our possession. Along with this board we went with a fairly basic robot design favoring simplicity when possible. The order consisted of:
* 1 Multi-Chassis - 4WD Kit (Basic) - A rectangular chassis that has four independently-motorized wheels
* 2 Motor Driver 1A Dual TB6612FNG - The intermediaries between the microcontroller (essentially the robot's brain) and the motors
* 1 5 Pack of 5mm Addressable RGB LEDs - These will be used for debugging and user-feedback, different colors representing different messages
* 1 Graphic LCD 128x64 - Mostly just tacked this on to get free shipping, but it could wind up in the project if we want another form of output

We're excited to get working on the hardware, but first up is preparing for our requirements presentation on next Thursday!


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